brief history common good the future photo gallery our partners

Since purchasing the brewery in 2011, we have been working tirelessly to create the best possible outcome for all the stakeholders of this site.

We see the extended site as having the potential for both employment regeneration as well as residential development; our desire is to keep a reasonable balance between the identified potential uses of housing, employment and retention of iconic landmarks, i.e. the Brewery and Old Midland Station, with regards to the economic viability and market demands.

We have been meeting with the local community, whether as individuals or as part of concerned groups, to understand what their needs and their hopes are for the site whilst meeting with various different developers and business project managers to identify the projects which keep in line with the needs of all the stakeholders.

We have included a feedback section on this website as we are very interested in hearing from you, the local residents, and we would like you to share your thoughts on what you would like to see happen at the site.

We believe that we can work together to achieve the common good whilst striking the best achievable balance for the future of this site.

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